Paul Tillich is generally considered one of the century's outstanding and influential thinkers. After teaching theology and philosophy at various German universities, he came to the United States in 1933. For many years he was Professor of Philosophical Theology at Union Theological Seminary in New York City, then University Professor at Harvard University. His books include Systematic Theology; The Courage to Be; Dynamics of Faith; Love, Power and Justice; Morality and Beyond; and Theology of Culture. The New Being was published by Charles Scribner's Sons in 1955. This material was prepared for Religion Online by Ted & Winnie Brock.
Kamis, 08 Desember 2011
The Paradox of Prayer
Paul Tillich is generally considered one of the century's outstanding and influential thinkers. After teaching theology and philosophy at various German universities, he came to the United States in 1933. For many years he was Professor of Philosophical Theology at Union Theological Seminary in New York City, then University Professor at Harvard University. His books include Systematic Theology; The Courage to Be; Dynamics of Faith; Love, Power and Justice; Morality and Beyond; and Theology of Culture. The New Being was published by Charles Scribner's Sons in 1955. This material was prepared for Religion Online by Ted & Winnie Brock.
Paul Tillich,
Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011
Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011
Ayutthaya City Tour
Mengunjungi Thailand --- Bagian 2
badan masih terasa lelah, berhubung sudah lewat tengah malam baru bisa tidur,
namun karena hari ini agenda kunjungan cukup padat maka kami harus rela
berpisah dengan bantal guling. Setelah mandi
dan sarapan, kami segera mencari penyewaan sepeda motor. Menurut situs
jalan-jalan terkenal Lonely Planet,
cara paling efisien untuk menikmati kota Ayutthaya adalah dengan
menggunakan motor. Keluar dari hotel
kami mampir sejenak ke stasiun untuk mengecek jadwal kereta yang berangkat ke Bangkok. Setelah melihat-lihat, kami putuskan untuk
naik kereta jam 13.30. Berarti masih ada
waktu sekitar 6 jam untuk menikmati kota Ayutthaya.
Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011
From Chiang Mai to Ayutthaya by Train
Mengunjungi Thailand -- Bagian 1
Ki-ka: Yoke, Gani & Handoko, mejeng di Sta. Chiang Mai |
Selepas acara APTA, Jumat pagi di tanggal 16 September, kami
bergegas menuju Stasiun Kereta Api Chiang Mai.
Dari hotel tempat kami menginap, hanya memakan waktu 15-20 menit menuju
stasiun. Stasiun Chiang Mai merupakan
stasiun akhir, sama seperti stasiun Jakarta Kota. Kesan pertama yang terlihat adalah kebersihan
dan ketenangannya. Rupanya tidak banyak warga Chiang Mai yang menggunakan
kereta api. Beda dengan penggemar atau
penggila KA Komuter Jabodetabek yang sejak subuh sudah menjajah tiap-tiap
jengkal peron stasiun. Suasana begitu
lenggang, demikian pula penumpang yang hendak menaiki kereta ke jurusan Bangkok hanya terlihat
beberapa orang saja.
Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011
Yang Terekam dari Acara APTA di Chiang Mai
Tema APTA-GA ke VIII "Power, Tradition & Social Engagement" |
Ini pertama kalinya saya mengikuti Asia Pacific Theological Association General Assembly (APTA-GA), yang telah menginjak penyelenggaraannya yang ke 8. Acara ini merupakan pertemuan 3 tahunan perhimpunan sekolah-sekolah teologi milik Assemblies of God (Sidang Jemaat Allah) di Asia Pasifik. Partisipan yang datang hampir 70-an orang dari berbagai negara di Asia Pasifik, seperti Australia, New Zealand, Jepang, Mongolia, Singapura, Malaysia, Indonesia, Filipina, perwakilan Global Amerika dan lain-lain.
Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011
Ratapan Orang Percaya di Pembuangan
Ah, Yesus!
Ke mana engkau telah pergi?
Kapan kami kehilangan dirimu?
Rabu, 20 Juli 2011
Dari Katabelece sampai Kakus
Akhirnya muncul lagi mood untuk mengisi blog yang sekian lama di-anaktiri-kan karena kesibukan. Kebetulan saya sedang asyik membaca 1 buku yang membahas tentang bahasa Indonesia dan ingin membaginya dengan para pembaca. (tumben teolog “nyasar” ke ranah lingua). Artikel ini saya ringkas dari tulisan Nathanael Daldjoeni yang pernah dimuat dalam Rubrik Opini Kompas, 13 Februari 1996. Selamat menikmati.
Meskipun Indonesia sudah terlepas dari penjajahan Belanda selama setengah abad, jumlah kata-kata Belanda yang tertinggal di sini ada 5.000-an. Jumlah tersebut saya temukan dalam buku tulisan Dr. Vandeputte berjudul Bahasa Belanda (Stichting Ons Erfdeel, Den Haag, 1987) hal. 57. Selain menguraikan seluk beluk bahasa Belanda, buku tersebut juga menguraikan sejarah perkembangannya dari abad ke abad serta peranannya dalam pergaulan antar bangsa di dunia.
Seorang wisatawan Belanda juga bersaksi bahwa selama berkunjung di Indonesia, ia selalu mendengar kata-kata yang berasal dari bahasanya sendiri, seperti Koran, rekening, kuitansi, porsekot, los, atret, pas, twedehan, dan perlop. Juga di rumah sakit masih dipakai sebutan pasien, suster, operasi, sal, injeksi, bludrek, behandel, verdah(nir)infeksi. Heran lagi sewaktu ia menonton televise: orang Indonesia makin suka mengucapkan daah, papa, mama, om dan tante, sebaliknya bibi dipakai untuk memanggil wanita pembantu rumah tangga.
Yang ia sulit mengerti ini: mengapa panggilan untuk semua kucing di Indonesia selalu Poes, sedangkan anjing-anjing masih diberi nama Pleki (dari Vlekkie) meski tak ada belangnya sama sekali, atau Broni meski warna bulunya putih mulus. Padahal, ia pernah membaca bahwa Presiden Soekarno pernah menganjurkan agar nama Belanda, apalagi yang diberi bentuk the, dihapus saja, seperti Tientje, Marietje, Butje (dari Broertje). Sampai-sampai Kepulauan Sunda Ketjil (Kleinne Sunda Eilanden) diritul lewat perintah Menteri Pendidikan Mr. Moh. Yamin menjadi Nusa Tenggara. Flores tak berhasil diubah menjadi Nusa Bunga setelah diterima alasan kuat bahwa Flores berasal dari bahasa Portugis.
Jangankan di bekas jajahannya, di Jepang saja, tulis Vandeputte, masih tersimpan kata-kata yang berasal dari bahasa Belanda. Itu karena Belanda pernah bercokol di Pulau Decima (1639-1853) sambil memperkenalkan peradaban Barat kepada bangsa Nippon. Malah pengetahuan dari Eropa hingga kini disebut kelompok ilmu Oranda. Kata-kata yang berasal Belanda, misalnya biiru (= bir dari bier), gomu (= setip karet, dari gom), ingki (= tinta, dari inkt), mesu (= pisau, dari mes), supoito (= semprot, dari spuiten) dan tarapu (= tangga, dari trap).
Ditunjukkan pula kata-kata Belanda yang, setelah diserap oleh bahasa Indonesia, dapat berubah maknanya. Kattebelletje, misalnya, diindonesiakan menjadi katabelece yang artinya ‘kata peringatan’. Drs. Katiman dari Universitas Gajah Mada karena itu pernah usul lewat Kedaulatan Rakyat agar ejaan jangan katabelece, melainkan katebeletje karena, menurut aslinya, istilah kattabelletje berasal dari kat (kucing) dan bel (klintingan).
Seekor tikus akan menggigil jika tiba-tiba mendengar bunyi klintingan kucing. Begitu pula seorang bawahan merasa takut sewaktu menerima suatu “surat sakti” dari atasannya atau tokoh yang berwibawa. Agar ia selamat dari akibat-akibat yang tak diinginkannya, imbauan yang tertera dalam surat sakti tadi dipenuhi segera. Pikirnya, siapa tahu dengan cara itu nasibnya akan baik.
Panggilan Oom
Adapun panggilan om sebagai pengganti paman atau paklik ada ceritanya sendiri. Di zaman Hindia Belanda, oom dalam keluarga Jawa hanya berlaku bagi paman yang berpendidikan bahasa Belanda; begitu pula tante adalah pengganti bulik. Oom dan tante tak diberlakukan untuk pakde atau bude, seperti dalam bahasa Belanda. Anehnya, meski tak tahu bahasa Belanda, pria dari Ambon atau Minahasa bisa dipanggil oom.
Bagi Belanda, oom dan tante juga berlaku bagi kakak dan adik dari nenek. Pernah di sekitar tahun 1970, orang segan dipanggil oom atau tante. Ini bukan karena mereka berjiwa nasionalis, tetapi akibat merajalelanya para oom senang dan tante girang di perkotaan.
Sekarang panggilan om diobralkan di jalan raya. Bagi tukang becak, mereka yang dulunya dipanggil bah, koh, dauke, juragan, ndara, mas bei, semuanya menjadi om, demi mudahnya.
Kata Marginal
Di bagian akhir tulisannya, Vandeputte membahas kata pungutan di dalam bahasa Indonesia, yang tak bersifat internasional, tetapi khusus Belanda. Itu terdapat dalam segala bidang kehidupan; misalnya erpah (erfpacht: hukum tanah), palem (palm: tanaman), ritsleting (ritssluiting: pakaian), kopling (koppeling:teknik mesin), saklar (schakelaar: pelistrikan), buncis (boontjes: pangan), sokbeker (schokbreker: kendaraan bermotor).
Juga ada kata-kata majemuk, gabungan kata pungutan, seperti indehoi (bercumbu dalam rumput kering/ in het hooi), indekos (dari in de kost: mondok dan ikut makan), poswesel (postwissel: kini sudah dikenai hukum Diterangkan Menerangkan/DM menjadi weselpos). Akan tetapi, hukum itu belum dikenakan pada yang lainnya, misalnya, banjir kanal (dari bandjir kanaal, mestinya kanal banjir), es teh, es sirop (dari ijs thee, ijs stroop, mestinya menjadi teh es dan sirop es).
Sebagai penutup disebutkan adanya kata-kata pungutan marginal, yang tak bisa ditemukan dalam kamus Belanda. Contohnya Hotperdom (Godverdom; dari God verdoeme mij; semoga Allah menghukum saya), serta kakus (dari kakhuis, rumah tempat untuk berak/kakken). Di waktu dulu belum ada WC sehingga di rumah bagian belakang ada kakusnya. Secara tradisional, orang Jawa dulu ber-WC di kebun. Menurut kamus, tempatnya disebut jumbleng. Atau jika berkenan, ia pergi sebentar ke kali untuk plunglap. Ini masuk kata marginal, jadi jangan Anda cari dalam kamus Jawa.
Jumat, 04 Maret 2011
Christian are often heard speaking of 'non-christian.' For example: "Mr A is now a Christian but he comes from a non-Christian family"; "There are many millions of non-Christians in Asia"; "Marriage between Christian and non-Christian"; "Followers of the non-Christian religions"; "Pakistan is a non-Christian nation"; "Christian dialogue with non-Christians." (And there are even such expressions as non-Methodist, non Presbyterian, non Evangelical). Obviously this is a convenient distinction. We regard all those who differ from ourselves as nons. We look at humanity as a whole, and then classify all those who are not Christians under the heading "non-Christians." It is as comprehensive as the sweeping distinction between proletariat and bourgeois; free nations and the Communist world.
Rabu, 02 Februari 2011
Education Seen by Theology
Paul says that Christ is the Head, the Beginning, and the Firstborn of all creation. He is the Head of the total creation! 'In Him all things were created.' The same Christ is the head of the Church, the redeemed community. He is the Head, the Beginning and the Firstborn 'from the dead.' He is in everything pre-eminent. There are not two head, one for the creation and one for the Church. (Colossians 1:15-20)
Through this Head and for this Head all things 'in heaven and on earth' are to be reconciled. Reconciliation is the work of God through this all pre-eminent Christ. It took this fullness of Christ to accomplish reconciliation. The New Testament reconciliation is abundant reconciliation ('grace upon grace' -- John 1:16).
Education is ultimately concerned with man's relationship with the whole which is created 'in him.' Since this whole is now a reconciled whole in God in Christ (II Corinthians 5:19) man must be brought to realize the depth of this new educational arrangement. And is not this the grand theme and subject of education?
Thus, when we speak of reconciliation, we are speaking of salvation in which we find the goal of education. In this reconciliation, theology and education meet.
Through this Head and for this Head all things 'in heaven and on earth' are to be reconciled. Reconciliation is the work of God through this all pre-eminent Christ. It took this fullness of Christ to accomplish reconciliation. The New Testament reconciliation is abundant reconciliation ('grace upon grace' -- John 1:16).
Education is ultimately concerned with man's relationship with the whole which is created 'in him.' Since this whole is now a reconciled whole in God in Christ (II Corinthians 5:19) man must be brought to realize the depth of this new educational arrangement. And is not this the grand theme and subject of education?
Thus, when we speak of reconciliation, we are speaking of salvation in which we find the goal of education. In this reconciliation, theology and education meet.
So if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you; leave your gift there before the altar and go, first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift. (Matthew 5:23-24)
I see in this straightforward warning of the Lord an encounter between theology and education which is full of implications. How embarrassing and inconvenient it is to remember at the most sacred moment of divine worship that 'your brother has something against you.' The Lord says that you must delay your act of offering a gift. But you must not delay the act of reconciliation. Go! and be reconciled! Why cannot reconciliation be delayed? It is the work of the Head of the Universe and the Church. This is the mind of Christ the Reconciler, through whom the new age of worship has come.
Then does not Matthew 5:23-24 speak of the central concern of education theologically grounded? How can we find the genuine value of education apart from man's finding his place in the created and reconciled world? And how can education become real --- as real as the Word which became flesh (John 1:14) --- unless we go through the educational process of leaving our gift and have the new experience of "first being reconciled'! What a great theological educational value is discovered when we remember that our brother has something against us there in front of the altar!
The reconciliation is wrought in the freedom of God. God, in his freedom, acted 'in him' to reconcile the universe to Himself. The spirit of slavery, then, must not step into our education (Galatians 4:7). We remember, in our freedom, that our brother has something against us, and, in our freedom, leave our gift and go! When this happens education becomes a present and concrete life experience. What else is more present and more concrete than the experience of reconciliation? Is there anything more educational than the experience of reconciliation?
Sometime in the early sixties, while he was in prison, Paul wrote the message of the abundant reconciliation. 'remember my fetters!" (Colossians 4:18 cf. 3:10). He was an 'educated man' since he was able to place himself in the total saving history of God and speak of the freedom of Christian man even though he was in fetters. It seems to me that the value and character of education should be judged according to the degree to which it can bring man, in spite of all kinds of 'fetters' (you can name them!) to the experience of freedom in the context of God's act of reconciliation.
I see in this straightforward warning of the Lord an encounter between theology and education which is full of implications. How embarrassing and inconvenient it is to remember at the most sacred moment of divine worship that 'your brother has something against you.' The Lord says that you must delay your act of offering a gift. But you must not delay the act of reconciliation. Go! and be reconciled! Why cannot reconciliation be delayed? It is the work of the Head of the Universe and the Church. This is the mind of Christ the Reconciler, through whom the new age of worship has come.
Then does not Matthew 5:23-24 speak of the central concern of education theologically grounded? How can we find the genuine value of education apart from man's finding his place in the created and reconciled world? And how can education become real --- as real as the Word which became flesh (John 1:14) --- unless we go through the educational process of leaving our gift and have the new experience of "first being reconciled'! What a great theological educational value is discovered when we remember that our brother has something against us there in front of the altar!
The reconciliation is wrought in the freedom of God. God, in his freedom, acted 'in him' to reconcile the universe to Himself. The spirit of slavery, then, must not step into our education (Galatians 4:7). We remember, in our freedom, that our brother has something against us, and, in our freedom, leave our gift and go! When this happens education becomes a present and concrete life experience. What else is more present and more concrete than the experience of reconciliation? Is there anything more educational than the experience of reconciliation?
Sometime in the early sixties, while he was in prison, Paul wrote the message of the abundant reconciliation. 'remember my fetters!" (Colossians 4:18 cf. 3:10). He was an 'educated man' since he was able to place himself in the total saving history of God and speak of the freedom of Christian man even though he was in fetters. It seems to me that the value and character of education should be judged according to the degree to which it can bring man, in spite of all kinds of 'fetters' (you can name them!) to the experience of freedom in the context of God's act of reconciliation.
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